✴︎ About
—Allied Newspapers Limited
Our Company | Our Heritage | Our Mission | CSR | Our Board of Directors | Our Remit | Our Owners

Allied Newspapers Limited forms part of Allied Group which also comprises Progress Press Company Limited.
In the same year that Lord Strickland set up his own printing press, in Strada Reale (now Republic Street), Valletta, a new title was born, Times of Malta, first as English language supplement to Il Progress, and later as weekly and daily newspapers, which subsequently gave birth to Allied Newspapers Limited in 1939 owned by the Strickland family.
In no time, both Times of Malta and The Sunday Times of Malta established themselves as market leaders, earning the distinction of national institutions. They still are today as they continue to serve the community in the same spirit as that shown by Lord Strickland’s daughter, Mabel Strickland, for so many years in times of war and peace.
Allied Newspapers Limited operates as an independent news organisation in line with the wishes of co-founder Mabel Strickland.
Wider remit

With Times of Malta considered to be Malta’s leading national news organisation, Allied Newspapers Limited has since diversified into a wider media remit.
Timesofmalta.com newsportal is now by far, the highest-ranked local website, measured by every analytic tool. It is ranked among the top 3,000 websites in the world. The website serves on average, 20 million requests a month and has over half a million unique users daily. It runs on fully scripted and highly scalable cloud infrastructure. Due to the nature of news cycles, in random and high peaks the number of active visitors could grow exponentially in just a matter of a few minutes.
Its main goal remains that of providing an information service to whoever needs it, whenever and wherever they require it, across all platforms, in our move towards a time when multi-faceted specialists will be the key players in this industry.
The company’s main news brands are now Times of Malta, The Sunday Times of Malta and timesofmalta.com. They provide news, analyses, opinion and entertainment to a large audience each month. Spanning print, online, audio, video, events and experiences, the various platforms are home to plurality of opinion and a free press.

Mabel Strickland (pictured above), the indomitable daughter of Lord
Strickland, the original founder of Allied Newspapers Limited., faced a
struggle to keep the company going as enemy bombs rained on Malta and famine and scarcity stalked the land.
Yet the newspaper, despite severe rationing and even direct hits to its
presses as a result of air raids, managed to survive and proudly never missed an issue. Indeed, its daily appearance served as a much-needed morale booster to its military garrison and beleaguered population.
Besides its respect for truth and accuracy of its reporting, Times of Malta also came to earn admiration for its tolerance, indeed its hosting of all shades of opinion, even if was itself to become, spectacularly, a victim of supreme intolerance, which had been building up for a number of years.
On October 15, 1979, which was to become known as Black Monday, the newspaper’s offices and printing presses came under siege
again, not from enemy bombs this time, but from a politically-motivated mob who burned the place down.
Yet the spirit inherited from Miss Strickland enabled the paper to be published the next day from another printing press, thus proudly keeping up the tradition of never missing an issue.
The paper of course was to rise again, stronger – and more respected – than ever before.
As its circulation grew, despite the departure, in 1979, of British forces from the island who made up a good proportion of its readership, it became, and still remains, the foremost media company in Malta.
The Owners
The Strickland Foundation is the majority shareholder of Allied Newspaper Ltd. The Strickland Foundation was set up by the owner of Allied Newspapers Ltd., Ms Mabel Strickland in 1979, with a set of guiding principles that are still relevant today:
- To foster the national interest of Malta and in particular to promote democratic principles, the observance of human rights, and the exercise of a free press;
- To uphold the European character of Malta and support Malta’s continued presence in the Commonwealth;
- To help improve the standard of Maltese journalism, and the preservation of its freedom and independence.
- To support philanthropic and charitable causes; the advancement of education, including physical education and sport; and the advancement of religion, health, social and community services, culture, the arts, national heritage and environmental protection and improvement;
- To finance scholarships and other activities for the attainment or furtherance of any of these objectives;
- To assist in such manner as may be advisable and within the means available persons who are or were employees of Allied Newspapers Limited and members of their families.

Our Mission, Vision, Values.
Why we EXIST
To disseminate credible content that enriches people’s lives by informing, educating and entertaining them
To be the undisputed leader in disseminating credible content across as many media platforms as possible, with a strong commitment to excellence.
We will do this by holding true to our values of democracy, truth, credibility, political independence and innovation.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Since its inception, Allied Newspapers Limited has always been acutely aware of the society it functions in and services. Inspired by the steadfast values and generosity of its founders, the company has been a bastion of defence for freedom of expression in the country. Rooted in Christianity, our core values till today remain those of democracy, truth, credibility, and political independence.
As a company, the first focus is inward looking and we pride ourselves on being an equal opportunity employer and one that offers our staff various work practice solutions in order for individuals to achieve a satisfactory level of work-life balance. Furthermore, we are keen to support our employees wherever possible, whether through furthering their training or through assisting them with particular challenges that life is want to throw our way from time to time.
Allied Newspapers Limited extends this level of support beyond its doors to society at wide, both directly and indirectly assisting causes we believe in and which are aligned with our own ethos. We do this in various ways, and we are particularly involved in the promotion of human rights for all and the pursuit of democracy.
We continue to be invested in our future and that of the world we live in and invite interested parties to contact us by emailing [email protected].

Board of Directors

Paul Mercieca – Chairman

Michel Rizzo – Managing Director

Alex Galea – Deputy Managing Director

Clinton Calleja – Company Secretary

Dr Austin Bencini

Ing. Raphael Micallef Trigona

Helga Ellul

Count Henry Hornyold Strickland